
The following services are offered on the site. Please note that these services are intended for local people. Items we consider inappropiate will not be accepted.

If there are any other services that you would like then please let us know.

We are accepting requests for email addresses. Email addresses are being issued on a first come first served basis.


Would you like to advertise items for sale or wanted on

How does it work?
You provide the text, and picture if appropiate, for the sale or wanted item. We add the item to the relevent classified page.

What does it cost?
We are offering this free of charge.

How do I apply?
Send an email to me at expressing your interest in this service.

Email addresses

Are you happy with your current email address? Instead of being '' how about ''? We can now offer email addresses at

How does it work?
You continue to use your own ISP to send and receive your email. You simply tell everyone that your email address is ''. We set-up an email redirector that transfers your email from to your current email address. If you change your ISP then we change the redirector and your email address stays the same ''.

What does it cost?
Nothing! Our hosting company has recently upgraded its service and now offers email redirection free of charge. If they don't charge us then we won't charge you.

How do I apply?
Send an email to me stating the email name that you would like to register. You also needs to state your full name, address and landline telephone number.

What happens next?
On receiving your email request I will set-up your new email address and send you an email confirmation.

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